A Lot Like Me

Immediately while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter. So Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, “Before the rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly.  Luke 22:60-62 HCSB

So many times, I have shaken my head and thought, “Oh, poor Peter”. Peter had been named Simon, but in John 1:42, Jesus changed Peter’s name to Cephas or Peter which means rock. In our scripture passage today, Peter didn’t really live up to that name. And, this was not the first time. Maybe you recall in Matthew 14:29 when the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water and Peter told Jesus if it was really Him to call Peter out to walk on the water, so Jesus did. Peter was doing just fine as long as he focused on Jesus, but as soon as he began to pay attention to the strong winds, he became afraid and began to sink. He had to cry out for Jesus to save him.

Peter loved the Lord. I can identify with that. But Peter had his weak moments. I can also identify with that. Peter wept bitterly in our scripture passage today because Jesus had predicted that Peter would deny Him three times. Of course, Peter swore that he would never do that, but he did.

I grew up in church. I loved the Lord and I wanted to be obedient to Him. I loved Him with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind. I believed in Jesus Christ and I was baptized. But I began to pay attention to the strong waves. I began to listen to all of Satan’s lies. I allowed myself to be deceived. I lost my focus on the Lord. And eventually, I denied Him too.

I never said that I didn’t know Him or said that He didn’t exist, but I sure acted like it. I acted like there was no Jesus and no devil and no heaven and no hell. I acted like I could do whatever I wanted and get away with it. I had convinced myself that it would all work out, but I had lied to myself.

I went through years of denying Jesus, not by my words but my actions. I would go and sit in church on Sunday and fail to repent for my sinful behavior and refuse to give up my sinful ways.

In studying the life of Peter, I realize that I am more like him than I care to admit. But the good thing about Peter is that Jesus renamed him rock because Jesus saw what he would become. Not what he was at the time. Peter would go through a growth process. He loved Jesus and followed Him and watched as He performed many miracles. He was all too happy to step out of that boat when he saw Jesus calling him to come out there to him. He wanted to walk on the water, but he got distracted by the wind.

I have stepped out of the boat many times, only to get distracted by the wind. I have begun to walk on the water and before I knew it I was sinking and crying out to Jesus to save me.

I have stood firm and promised Jesus that I was going to be with him until the bitter end, but then denied him over and over again.

I am a lot like Peter or Peter is a lot like me. Either way, I can really identify with Peter. I want to be the rock, but sometimes I am weak. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I fall just short of that goal.

Peter made some mistakes, but Peter loved the Lord. He was one of the early leaders of the church that was formed after Jesus ascended to heaven.

What about you? Do you make mistakes or do you do it all perfectly? Romans 3:23 tells us that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. If you have denied Jesus’ existence through your words or your actions, know that it is not too late. If you have lost focus on Jesus and feel like you are sinking, you can cry out to Him and He will save you.

If you are a lot like me and Peter, then know that it is okay. You can turn it around with God’s help. God can help you do what you need to do to be the rock He calls us to be. He can help you stay on top of the water. You just need to focus on Him. You need to trust and obey Him. You need to love Him with all you’ve got.

When we do this, we can be more and more like Jesus and we can proclaim His goodness as His light shines through us. We all should be striving to be just like Jesus.

Have a great day!