Taking Possession Of The Promised Land

The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb: ‘You have stayed at this mountain long enough. Resume your journey and go to the hill country of the Amorites and their neighbors in the Arabah, the hill country, the Judean foothills, the Negev and the sea coast-to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon as far as the Euphrates River. See I have set the land before you. Enter and take possession of the land the LORD swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their future descendants.’   Deuteronomy 1:6-8 HCSB

In our scripture passage today, Moses is telling the people they are 11 days away from the land the Lord has promised them. God is telling them they must continue our journey, enter the land and take possession of it. They had been wandering around for 40 years. Why? Because they had fallen into this pattern. They would start grumbling and complaining about their situation and feeling that God was not taking good care of them. Then they would fall into idol worship. God would punish them. They would say they were sorry and beg God’s forgiveness. God would forgive them and they would do well for a while and then they would repeat the entire process.

They are finally so close to the Promised Land and you would think it’s all good, right? But no, they send spies ahead of them. When the spies returned and gave their report, there was good news and bad news. The bad news was that the people were strong and great in number and the cities were well fortified. The good news was that it was a land flowing with milk and honey, just as God had promised. They even brought back some fruit for the people to see that it was a fertile land. All but two of the spies sent out felt that it was impossible to overtake the inhabitants and gain possession of the land. They looked at the negatives as outweighing the positives.

It’s easy to sit and read this and think of how foolish the Israelites were, but then I have to be reminded that I am just as guilty of fear and disbelief. There was a time in my life when I grumbled and complained and thought that if God would just change everyone around me that my life would be so much better. I would be living in the Promised Land. I thought that my grumbling and complaining would change things. I kept doing the same things over and over and expected different results, which many say is the definition of insanity. Nothing got better. I just kept wandering round and round in that same old desert.

One day when I could no longer take it, I cried out to God. I begged Him to change my circumstances. I begged Him to help me make my life better. He immediately removed my idols. He took away those things that I had given time and attention to that should have been reserved for Him. He removed my doubt and fear and helped me to move forward with His strength. My mountains became molehills and the mess I had made of my life became my message.

What about you? Are you doing the same things over and over and wondering why you don’t get different results? Are you growing weary from taking 40 years to make a 14 day journey? Have you continued to do the same things over and over expecting different results? How’s that working out for you?

When I gave it over to God, a tremendous burden was lifted from me. I have been through times of testing, but I have come to rely on God’s strength. I have learned through this testing I am made stronger. I may not be able to conquer those enemies on my own, but with God’s help I can sit back and watch those giants fall. I can enter into the Promised Land. He gives me peace and joy here on earth while I serve Him and wait to be called home to heaven.

If you’ve grown tired of going round and round that same old mountain, maybe God is telling you to move on because you have been there long enough. Maybe He is telling you to go forward to the land He has promised you and take possession of it. He will help you conquer any problems along the way.

Surrender it all to God, submit to Him. Trust in Him and obey Him. You will be amazed at the results. In all your ways consider him, and He will guide you (Proverbs 3:5-6).

God may not change everyone around you, but the change He can make in you will make things so much better. Don’t take my word for it try it for yourself. We are told in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has good plans for us. He wants the best for us. The only thing stopping you from receiving this is you. Leave that mountain and go and take possession of the land He has promised.

Have a great day!