No Man Is An Island

For none of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.  Romans 14:7-8 NASB

The phrase, ” No man is an island” was first used by John Donne, an English clergyman and poet in 1624. While the phrase means that we all rely on each other, it has also come to be used to indicate that our actions effect those around us. This means that I can be a help to those around me or I can be a hindrance. As with everything in our Christian life, it’s a choice we make.

Romans 14 begins by telling us that we should accept those who are weak in faith without arguing about doubtful issues. In other words, Satan loves to create diversion and threaten unity. He loves it when Christians argue. And quite honestly, I often see people argue about things that just don’t matter. Sometimes it is better to keep our mouth shut and lead the kind of life that is a good example for others. There were numerous times in scripture when Jesus’ enemies tried to goad him into an argument, but he answered wisely and moved on. He didn’t take the bait.

Our sin can have a very negative effect on those around us. You may think when you sin that it only effects you, but this is not correct. If I commit a sin it can have an effect on my husband and the rest of my family. If my husband sins, it can have an effect on me and the rest of the family. We see characters in the Bible that sinned and caused major problems for generations down the line. Adam and Eve are our first example. Because of their sin curses were handed down for all generations to come. Abraham was a man of great faith, but because He and his wife Sarah became impatient and did not wait for God’s timing, He had a son named Ishmael who would father of the Arabic nation. Take time to read about all that this has impacted in our society and is still effecting us today. David sinned with Bathsheba and it ended up with her husband and their son dying. David also suffered great tragedy in his relations with his other children as well.

Now we also see that our obedience to the Lord can have a very positive effect or can help those around us. Esther and Mordecai were obedient to the Lord and were able to save their people. Joseph was obedient to the Lord and was able to save many lives when the famines came. Noah was obedient to the Lord and was able to save his family and all the animals of the earth. Jesus was obedient even to death on the cross and was able to provide salvation for you and me.

Remember in whatever you do, you have an impact on someone else’s life. Also remember that if you profess to be a Christian there are those watching to see if what you say is true. We must think before we speak and act or in today’s world type, text or post. In whatever we do, we will either be a help or a hindrance. It’s your choice. Choose what you would rather be. But know in making that choice that whatever you do, your life belongs to the Lord. He has the final say in where you will spend eternity. So when we make choices about how we live our life we must understand that it has an eternal impact not only on us, but on those around us. Romans 14:13 tells us that we should never be a stumbling block or put an obstacle before our brother or sister.

Think about what you say and do. Help others in their walk with the Lord. Don’t ever be a hindrance, because ultimately we all belong to the Lord. Our lives are in His hands and the sooner we figure that out and live accordingly, the better off we will be.

Have a great day!