The One and Only

There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.  Acts 4:12 HCSB

These days, we are bombarded by commercials about things that are mass produced. This includes things like food, cars, toys, drugs, you name it and we are mass producing it. Manufacturers hope that consumers will buy their products in mass quantities.

I guess this is one reason that I like old muscle cars. You don’t see many of them around these days. Those who have them usually keep them in a garage and bring them out only on beautiful sunny days. I know if I had my fully restored ’69 Camaro that’s what I would do.

We live in a world where most of us want something because we see that someone else has it and it looks like a great product. I’d been seeing the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner and thought it looked like a great idea. For my last birthday, my husband got me one and let me tell you, it is a wonderful invention.

There are very few unique finds today. Unique is defined as the only one of it’s kind or unlike anything else. I am hard pressed as I think about the items in my home to think of anything that is truly unique. But I do have something in my heart that is truly unique and this is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is truly a one of a kind. We are told in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no man comes to God, the Father, except through Him.

We celebrate the birth of a baby born of a virgin who came to earth fully man and fully God. He had God’s power in Him, but He suffered the same emotions, heartaches, temptations and physical pains that we suffer today. And in that precious baby boy, each and every one of us has the ability to be saved from our sins. We have an opportunity to have eternal life in heaven with God the Father. All we have to do is believe in Him (John 3:16).  We are told in Ephesians 2:8-10 that we are saved by faith through grace. This means that if we simply believe in Him, He will save us because of His loving mercy. It’s nothing that we do, it’s all Him.

I want you to understand that water baptism isn’t what gets you to heaven. Being a good person isn’t what gets you to heaven. Doing good works doesn’t get you to heaven. Attending church doesn’t get you to heaven. Believing in Him is what saves us and gets us to heaven. But, I want you to also understand this. If we truly believe in Him, then we want to really get to know Him. We want to enter into a close intimate relationship with Him. Now, when we do this, we naturally want to do those things I just mentioned. You see, when you truly know and love someone, you want to do all the things that please them.

When we truly love the Lord, we want to make a public profession of our faith. We want to treat others with the same forgiveness and kindness He has shown to us. We want to go into His house and worship and praise Him. We want to serve Him.

Jesus came to earth fully man and fully God. He lived His life in a way that gave us an example of how we are to live and how we are to treat others. He suffered all the things that we still suffer today and yet He did so without sinning. There is no other like Him. He is truly the one and only way to salvation. Won’t you turn to Him today? Won’t you trust in Him and ask Him to send His Holy Spirit to fill your heart? Won’t you ask Him to guide you in all you do?

In this world of mass production, it’s good to know there is something unique made available to each and everyone of us. Take time to truly appreciate His uniqueness and what He has done for us. Take full advantage of His love for us and the salvation that only He can provide.

Have a great day!