A Glimmer Of Hope

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.    Romans 15:13 HCSB

The free dictionary explains the term, “a glimmer of hope” as a minute indication that something may improve, succeed, or turn out for the best in the end.  Scripture passages like Romans 8:28 give us hope for a good outcome no matter how bad things may seem. Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that God has good plans for us. 1 Peter 1:3 tells us that when we are reborn in Christ, we have a living hope. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for.

When we believe in God and we believe in His Holy Word, we have more than hope. We have a blessed assurance. We can be certain that God is truly working all things out for our good (Romans 8:28). As Christians our faith goes beyond hope. We don’t just hope that we are saved, we know that we are saved. We don’t just hope that God will work things out for our good, we know He will. We don’t just hope that God will take good care of us, we know God is taking good care of us (Jeremiah 29:11). As we walk through the fire, we don’t hope He will be there, we know He is there (Daniel 3:24-25).

When we are lost, we look for hope in things that may or may not come through for us. It reminds me of a time that I had gotten turned around in the woods behind my house. I had gone in after my beagle. Once I got hold of him and began to bring him out of the woods, I realized that I had gone so deep in I was totally turned around. I was lost. That’s a lot like what sin does to us. We go in thinking it’s all good and we can handle it and before you know it, we are lost in it.

With just the light of my flashlight I began walking in what I thought was the right direction. My hope was to come out behind my house. However, I was slightly off course and came out just south of my house. That didn’t matter. What mattered was that I saw a glimmer of light. I followed this glimmer into the light and came to a neighbor’s house. The light led me home.

If you are lost today in your sin, know that God is shining that light. He wants desperately to lead you home. He will never force you to come into the light, the decision is all yours.

As I watch the lights twinkle on my tree, I think about the star that lead the wise men to Christ. They looked in that manger and saw a tiny glimmer of hope. They saw a baby that would grow into a man that would save us all from our sin. Wise men are still turning to Christ. They are still following that star. They see that glimmer of hope and follow it into the burst of light. Are you wise?

If you are not feeling so hopeful this holiday season, know that in Christ there is not only hope, there is a blessed assurance that He will love you (John 3:16), protect you (Psalm 91), and work all things out for your good (Romans 8:28).

If you are tired of being in darkness, find the glimmer of hope and follow it into the light that is Christ. You can have a new life in Him. You can live a life filled with hope. You can trust in His goodness.

Believe in Him and allow Him to fill you with peace and joy and not just a glimmer of hope, but hope that overflows through His Holy Spirit.

Have a great day!