Friends and Family

For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers.     Romans 8:29 HCSB

We don’t choose with whom we share DNA. We have no choice in the matter of who is included in our biological family. But we do have a choice when it comes to being a part of God’s family. God wants to adopt us into His family, but we can choose to accept this or reject it. We can choose our friends and if we are fortunate we have family members that are also dear friends.

We can often identify people who share DNA by the fact that they look alike or share common physical attributes such as height, hair color, eye color, physical build. Their voices may even sound alike.  The same is true for God’s family. When we choose to be in God’s family we will walk and talk like our brothers and sisters in Christ. We will all be working toward a common goal and pressing on to reach the same eternal destination.

For many years I lived outside of God’s family. I had a church that I went to occasionally. They were good people, but because I attended occasionally, no one was concerned when I missed. I didn’t commit to serve in any way. I just attended a couple times a month and considered that good enough to fulfill that obligation.

I go to family gatherings because I enjoy spending time with my family. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to share in birthdays, holidays and even Sunday dinners.

I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays because it gives me time to spend with my church family. My church family and I share a common goal. We love the Lord, we want to serve Him and we want to help others know how much He loves them. When times are rough or I am in need, I have always been able to turn to my biological family for which I am grateful. But I also have another family I can turn to.

I had put my mom on the prayer list last week and we prayed for her. We have had a few rough days, but I did not mention any problems at this week’s prayer meeting. But, during his prayer, one of our deacons said the Lord had laid it upon his heart to lift my mom up in prayer. Wow! This is how God works through my church family. We intercede for each other. There have been times that the Lord has laid it on my heart to stop and pray for church members. We pray for our pastor who shepherds us and for his family. What an awesome thing to be a part of God’s family. How wonderful it is to have brothers and sisters in Christ.

Our scripture passage says, “the firstborn among many brothers.” Being adopted into God’s family is a choice. God wants to adopt each of us into His family, but we can choose to reject Him. We can choose to reject God, but this choice will cost us dearly. We are told in Revelation 3:4 that of those who have not defiled their clothes, they will walk with Him in white. Verse 5 says the victor will be dressed in white and will never erase the names from the book of life but will acknowledge them before His father and before His angels. We will be dressed like our Father, they will know that we are a part of His family.

If you are reading this and thinking that you don’t have to have a church family to go to heaven, you’re right. But, you do have to be a part of God’s family. You do have to choose to be a child of God. When we choose to be a child of God, we naturally want to be a part of an earthly family that works together toward the same goals. When we love our family, we want to spend time with them, right?

My friend if you are not part of a church family, you don’t know what you are missing. I have met so many dear friends through the church. But, they are not just dear friends, they are my brothers and sisters in Christ. They are my family.

I encourage you to pray to God to lead you into the right family. Ask Him to adopt you into His family and to help you find a good, solid Bible teaching church where you can join them in serving Him.

Have a great day!