Are You Ready To Collect Your Reward?

Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.  Hebrews 11:6 HCSB

If we are honest with ourselves, we like to be rewarded for whatever we do. Not many of us could afford to go to work each day knowing that there is no paycheck involved. Hunters probably wouldn’t spend all the money they do for hunting equipment and go into the freezing cold seeking their prey if they were absolutely positive that they were never going to see a deer or duck or whatever it is that they are hunting, much less kill one. Many witnesses would never come forward if a cash incentive was not offered.

Now we would think it dishonest for someone to hire us and promise us a paycheck and then allow us to work a couple weeks or a month and then decide not to pay us, right? But sometimes we do this to ourselves. We know that the Lord rewards those who seek Him, but we don’t put as much effort into seeking him as we do our jobs or even our hobbies and then we’re ready to collect our reward. We rob ourselves of our reward in heaven.

Do I give more attention to my job or hobby than I do to God? Then I want you to ponder another question. Is the reward that I am going to get from this activity better than what I can expect to receive from God?

We don’t give God a portion of the time and money that we give to our jobs and our hobbies, but we expect a great reward. James 1:12 tells us that the man who remains steadfast under trial is blessed for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised him. In Matthew 5:12, Jesus says, “Be glad and rejoice, because your reward is great in heaven…”.  We are told in 1 Peter 5:4 that when the chief Shepherd appears, we will receive the unfading crown and glory. 

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t give our best at our jobs, as a matter of fact, Colossians 3:23-24 tells us to work heartily and give our best as we are working for the Lord and not for man, knowing that from the Lord we will receive our inheritance as our reward. There is also nothing wrong with recreational activity as long as it doesn’t lead us to sin. What I am saying is that life here is fleeting, we are like a mist that vanishes (James 4:14). In whatever we do, we should be sure that we are honoring the Lord. One day the Lord is coming back for us. We will either receive the crown of life from Him which we can lay at his feet, or we will have received our rewards here on earth. 1 Corinthians 3:14 tells us that if anyone’s work is burned up, it will be lost, but he will be saved; yet it will be like an escape through fire. Some of us will just barely make it into heaven is what this is saying. We are told in Revelation 22:12 that He is coming, bringing His recompense with Him to repay everyone for what he has done. Matthew 16:27 says that For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of His Father, and he will repay each person according to what He has done.  And finally Galatians 6:9 tells us not to grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

If you are creating your own rewards for yourself here on earth, then enjoy them while they last. But I beg of you to understand that there will come a day when God will repay us for all that we did or failed to do while here on earth. In the parable of the Master distributing talents, the Master says to his servant in verse 21, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”

Our jobs and our hobbies can bring honor and glory to God or they can be distractions. We can honor God in all that we do and do our best to bring others to Him or we can draw them away. But know that whatever you do, you will be rewarded according to how much or how little you did for Him while here on earth. I pray that your reward is great.

Have a great day!