Always Be Thankful

Rejoice always! Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 HCSB

As you read our scripture passage today, you may be thinking it’s a great day and you are happy to rejoice in it. Or, you may be thinking you have nothing to rejoice or be thankful about. But this passage doesn’t say if everything in your life is coming up roses that you should rejoice and pray and be thankful. It just says to rejoice and pray and be thankful in all circumstances.

There was a time in my life when I was crying out to God when things weren’t going my way, but  then when He would work it all out for me I’d go my way and sometimes forget to thank Him. I got what I wanted and went along my merry way. But, I have learned that it’s much better if you do what our scripture passage tells you to do.

I have learned that I can rejoice no matter what life brings because I have Jesus Christ in my life. He is a constant presence. He’s got whatever comes my way and for that reason I am glad. Even when I go through trying times, I know that I have a rock to lean on. I know that Jesus is right there beside me helping me through whatever comes my way.

I have learned to pray constantly. Now this doesn’t mean that I am down on my knees 24 hours a day seven days a week. This means I am in constant communication with Jesus. I know He’s right there anytime I choose to speak to Him. I have learned to talk to Him throughout the day. I can talk to Him while I go on my morning walk. I can talk to Him while I drive. I do keep my eyes open during those times, just sayin’. I can talk to Him while I’m out mowing my lawn. I love Him, so I want to be in constant communication with Him. I always say it’s kind of like the love you have for a close family member. You may not be talking with each other constantly during the day, but you always know where they are and what they are doing and how to reach them if you need them. You want to share all things with them, the good and the bad. We should pray persistently and regularly. Don’t neglect taking time to communicate with Him. Avoid prayers that are repetitious. You wouldn’t say the same thing over and over to a loved one. Remember when we are talking to Christ we are talking to someone who loves us more than we can imagine. Take time to communicate with Him.

When we trust in God’s will, we understand that we should be thankful for everything that comes our way, the good, the bad and the ugly. We understand that God works all things for our good (Romans 8:28). No matter what is going on in our lives, if we love the Lord and trust in Him, we can trust that He will work it all out for our good. We can trust that He is taking good care of us especially in the hard times. For this, we should always be thankful.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, we will all hopefully remember to be thankful. But, if we adhere to our scripture passage, it will be just another day in the year in which we give thanks. We should be thankful 365 days a year.

I have learned that one thing that really helps me to be thankful is to serve others. When I am going through a hard time, I feel that it is important for me to help others. Often in doing so, it makes my problems seem small in comparison.

Our life should be all about God’s will. God loves us and will work all things out for our good. Why would we not trust in Him? When we trust in Him and His will, this becomes a daily part of our lives. We want to rejoice always, pray constantly and give thanks in all circumstances.

If all this sounds to good to be true, then I ask you to try it for yourself. Submit yourself to God and His will and trust in Him. It’s a decision I promise you will never regret.

Have a great day!