What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?

After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!
“Here I am,” he answered.
“Take your son,” He said, “your only son Isaac, whom you love, go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”  Genesis 22:1-2 HCSB

Abraham was a man of strong faith. In Genesis 12, God calls Abraham, who was then called Abram, to leave his father’s house, his land, and his relatives and go to a place that God will show to him. God tells Abram to just pack up and leave the only home he has ever known. God promises that He will make Abraham into a great nation. He promises to bless him and make his name great. God promises to bless those who bless him and treat with contempt those who curse him. God tells him that all the peoples on the earth will be blessed through him. So at the age of 75, Abraham picks up his belongings and takes his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot, and all his servants and strikes out to this place known only to God.

Our scripture passage picks up in a place where Abraham and his wife are settled. They have come through some hardships along the way but God has taken care of them. God had promised to make Abraham a great nation. In chapter 15, Abraham becomes frustrated because God has not given him and Sarah any children. God promises Him that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Finally, in their old age, Abraham and Sarah are blessed with the birth of their son, Isaac, in chapter 21. In the very next chapter, God calls Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Now the Bible does not tell us Isaac’s age at this time, but we know that he was old enough and strong enough to carry a stack of wood. He was also old enough to ask where the sacrificial lamb was since they had wood and fire. Abraham told his son, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

Abraham arranged the altar and placed his son Isaac on top of the altar. Just as Abraham was about to slaughter his son with a knife the angel of the Lord called out to him. The angel said to Him, “Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from Me.” It was then that Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. God had provided the ram to be sacrificed in Isaac’s place.

Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day. We know that our freedom is not free. The men and women of our armed forces are prepared to give all to protect our freedom. They have answered the call. Our law enforcement officers are prepared to give all to keep us safe. Abraham was willing to give his only Son to obey God. After all he and his wife had come through to have a son, I can’t imagine what must have gone through his mind when God asked him to offer him. The Bible doesn’t tell us what Abraham thought. We only know that he obeyed. He was willing to do what God called him to do. He trusted God with all he had, even his son.

In the Old Testament days, an animal was offered as a sacrifice for sin. In the New Testament, God sent His Son to be sacrificed for our sins. He gave His all. Abraham was willing to give his all. What are you willing to give up today? What will you sacrifice?

Some of us can’t even give up filthy language to please the Lord. Some can’t give up alcohol. Some can’t give up the lusts of the flesh. Is there something that you just can’t let go of today? With God’s help I promise you, you can. I also promise you that you will never miss it. God will provide so much more for you. God will provide all you need if you just trust and obey Him.

There is nowhere in the Bible that says being a Christian is easy. It requires sacrifice. But our sacrifice yields blessings beyond measure. We can’t out give God. Are you willing to give your all to Him today, or are you holding back? If you want to experience the best God has to offer, give your all to Him today.

Have a great day!