Because It’s Fun!

A joyful heart makes a face cheerful, but a sad heart produces a broken spirit.  Proverbs 15:13 HCSB

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17:22 HCSB

What do you do for fun? Perhaps someone has asked you why you do something and you have responded, “Because it’s fun!” We all like to have fun. We like to be happy and have a good time, right? Now those of us who are church members and active in our church know that it’s fun. When our church family is filled with the Holy Spirit and led by God, it makes for a good time no matter what we are doing.

But for many years the devil lied to me. He convinced me that sin was fun and church was something you do out of obligation, not for fun. He convinced me that the things that went against God’s word were how we truly had fun. He convinced me that I could go to church every now and then and that was good enough. He convinces us that it’s more fun to skip church. It’s more fun to sin.

Now living that way was fun for a while, but it was like a roller coaster ride. It was filled with highs and lows. There was no consistency, just lots of ups and downs. When things were up, it was great. When things were down, it was someone else’s fault. Then I prayed. I asked God to improve my situation or change the other person. I failed to see that the only thing that needed to change was me. I would even devote myself to prayer and reading my bible for a time, but then I would get back to my old destructive habits thinking I was having so much fun.

There is no scripture in the Bible that tells us that we cannot have fun while following Christ, but yet the devil leads us to believe this. There is no scripture in the Bible that tells us that sin is the only way to bring us happiness, but yet we fall for that one hook, line and sinker or at least I know I did. The thing about sinful behavior is, it’s fun for a little while, but then it leads to destruction.

If you have not experienced the true joy found in Jesus Christ, then let me tell you, you don’t know what you are missing. I have had more fun with my church family serving the Lord than I ever had out in the world sinning with friends. Now some of you may be shaking your head and doubting this, so I just have one thing to say. Try it for yourself. Give yourself over to God. Give Him the good, the bad, and the ugly. Trust in Him and obey His Holy Word. Ask for Him to fill your heart with His Holy Spirit. When you do this, you can experience true joy. This joy is not dependent upon your circumstances, it is freely given by Him. You will have a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Happiness that we get from sinning is short-lived, but we are told in Isaiah 51:11 that the redeemed of the LORD will return to Zion with singing, crowned with unending joy. Joy and gladness will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee.

I will admit that I never thought that I would consider it fun to attend church and serve the Lord. I always thought that both of those things were work. But when my sin had dragged me down so low and I was up to my neck in sorrow, I gave it all over to God. He turned my sighing into singing and my heartbreak into joy.

Now don’t get me wrong, I still go through trials and tribulations. But there is a big difference now. These trials and tribulations are just little mole hills. They are no longer mountains because I know God’s got this. I just focus on Him and He takes care of all that I need (Matthew 6:33). I live my life on a steady path, no more extreme highs or devastating lows.

The Bible tells us in John 10:10 that the thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy, but that Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. That means that we might have a life filled with peace and joy. God wants us to enjoy our lives. He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross so that those of us who believe in Him might have eternal life (John 3:16). When we live our lives according to God’s Holy Word, we have no reason for sorrow. But, as I said, don’t take my word for it. Try it for yourself. Turn to Him, trust in Him and obey Him. He will trade your sorrow for unending joy (Isaiah 51:11).

Have a joyful day!