Do You Suffer from Gamophobia?

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.   Acts 4:12 NKJV

Do you suffer from gamophobia? If you are wondering what gamophobia is, it’s a fear of commitment. In Greek it is actually considered an extreme fear of marriage. But for our purposes here today, we are using it in it’s simpler, less extreme form which is simply a fear of commitment.

We all like to think that we are committed and give 110 per cent in all that we do, but is this really the case? Also, are you committed to the right things? I don’t think God is concerned about the fact that you are committed to your football team. He won’t care if you are a season ticket holder and never miss a game. Are you committed to taking that shiny new boat out every weekend including Sundays? Are you committed to not allowing your friends drink alone when they are going through hard times? Well, let me tell you that you could shift these commitments to honoring God and find your life would be a whole lot better.

Are you committed to finding a good Bible teaching church? Are you committed to attending every Sunday? Are you committed to not only attending the worship service, but Bible study? Once you get your feet on the ground in this church are you committed to doing the work there that God is calling you to do? Or, do you fear commitment? Are you afraid to donate any time to the church for fear that they will come to rely on you to do so on a regular basis? Are you afraid to commit to attending services every Sunday if it means giving up other activities? Are you afraid to get involved in Bible study for fear that it will cause you to have to get to church earlier or on days other than Sunday?

Oh and let’s spend a minute talking about Bible study or Sunday school as we call it. I attended Sunday school up until my teen years. Then I began to think it was for kids. But when I returned to Sunday school as an adult, I realized that I still learn something in each and every lesson that I study. The Bible is such a fascinating book and we never stop learning from it.

Often times we suffer from gamophobia as a result of being hurt in a previous relationship. We are afraid to be in a committed relationship because we have been hurt in the past. We can even get hurt in relationships with our church. But there is one relationship that will never let you down.

In Deuteronomy 31:8 Moses is preparing the Israelites to be led by Joshua into the promised land. They know they will face opposition. He tells them in verses 6-8, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

God gave His one and only son to die for our sins, there is no greater proof of His commitment to us. Won’t you commit to Him? He will show you the way. If you have been hurt before by a church or a religion, turn to Him. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Trust in Him to guide you and protect you. Commit to Him wholeheartedly. You will never regret it.

Have a great day!