Think Outside The Box

Say to the cowardly: “Be strong; do not fear! Here is your God; vengeance is coming. God’s retribution is coming; He will save you.”  Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped.  Isaiah 35:4-5 HCSB

I used to say that Jesus must be under the cots in the jail. Many people go to jail and find Jesus and they leave him there when they are released. I would speak to offenders while they were in jail and they would be attending religious services and reading their Bible and praying. They would get released and go right back to their sinful ways. Then I realized that I was a hypocrite. I too had kept my relationship with Jesus neatly tucked away in a box. I would pull the box out on some Sundays and go to church and then tuck it neatly away again so as to live however I chose to live the rest of the time. I didn’t let Jesus into my work life or my personal relationships. I was doing the same thing those prisoners were doing.

But there came a time in my life where that wasn’t enough. I removed Jesus and my religious obligations from the box and put them on a shelf. I still kept them tucked away neatly, but they were in full view and I began to attend church regularly. I then began to attend Sunday School and Sunday nights and even Wednesday nights when I wasn’t working. But there was still a problem. My life was filled with chaos and confusion. My problems were looming large and I didn’t understand. I had taken Jesus out of the box and given Him a more prominent place in my life, so what was the problem?

The problem was that my life needed to center around Jesus. He needed to be front and center of my life at home, at work, and at play. He needed to be the cornerstone of my foundation. I had to think outside that box. I had to put away some of the foolish pursuits of happiness. I had to trade these things for the peace and joy that can only be found in having a good, solid relationship with Jesus Christ. I had to let Him run things. I had made a big enough mess by trying to do it on my own. I had to give it all over to Him. I had to trust Him to clean up my mess. So, I did.

I threw the box away along with my selfish pursuits and allowed Jesus to come into my heart. I allowed Him to take over. I allowed Him to run things. I allowed Him to transform me so that I would not be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2). I traded my love of the world for loving Him (1 John 2:15). Now, I wish I could say that I haven’t made a mistake since then, but I am human. I still mess up sometimes, but praise God, He is faithful to forgive me (1 John 1:9).

Are you trying to keep Jesus and your love for Him tucked away neatly so it is out of the way of your work life and your relationships with others? Know that this will never work. Know that God has to have first place in your life. He has to be front and center in all that you do. You have to give it all over to Him.

Take that box that you have been keeping Jesus in and stuff all your sin in there. Stuff all your hard feelings in there along with your bitterness and anger and any other bad stuff you have been holding on to (Ephesians 4:31). Take that box and burn it, destroy it. Trade the chaos and confusion for the true peace and joy that can only be found in a good, solid relationship with your Lord and Savior.

When we box God in, we deny His awesome power. He has the power to seek vengeance for us on those who have hurt us. He has the power to punish those who have wronged His children. He has the power to save you. His power won’t be denied. Be still and know that He is God and He will be exalted (Psalm 46:10). If you have been walking around blindly now is the time to allow Him to open your eyes so that you may see.

With all that is going on in the world today, I feel that Jesus is letting us know that time is getting short. Turn to Him today before it’s too late. If you have tucked your relationship with Him away, bring it out and be sure that it prevails over every area of your life. The peace and joy this brings far outweighs anything that the world can give you.

Have a great weekend!