What Kind of Man Is This?

He said to them, “Why are you fearful, you of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm.
The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?-even the winds and the sea obey Him!”
Matthew 8:26-27  HCSB

Once again, here in Southeast Louisiana, we prepare for what is predicted to be a strong hurricane. There is a saying amongst Christians that says that we are either in a time of trials and tribulations, we have just come through one, or one is on the way. That’s kind of what it feels like here during hurricane season. But as we go through the year 2020, hurricanes are just one issue we are facing. We are still dealing with COVID-19 and trying to keep our families safe. While we prepare for hurricanes, those in the western part of our country battle wildfires, I recently heard that there were earthquakes in Alabama and North Carolina. Many people talk about what a calamity this year has been. While, I don’t want to bust anyone’s bubble, I read online last night that these type of things will continue to the point where we will look back on 2020 and think of it as the good old days. ABC news released a report in July of 2020 stating that it is possible that we will see more devastation from the pandemic and concerns that we could face a climate crisis in which our weather gets worse in the years to come and we experience more storms.

Now, I didn’t tell you all this to depress you. I want you to stop and think. In our scripture passage where Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves and they obeyed Him, we see that nothing is impossible for Him. The disciples asked what kind of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him? Are you wondering what kind of man Jesus is? Well, if so, I would love to tell you. Jesus is the kind of man who emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men so that He could leave His heavenly abode and come to earth and live as fully man and fully God (Philippians 2:7-9). He did this so that He could not only teach us how to live, but so that HE could die a horrible death so that we might be saved. He is the kind of man who can give one touch and a dying person can be healed. He can raise the dead to life. He can free the sinner from the bondage of sin. He can speak the words and the winds and the sea become calm.

If you don’t know what kind of man this is, I strongly suggest you do all you can to find out. If you know what kind of man this is, but have been ignoring His mighty power and greatness choosing to do it all your way, I strongly encourage you to rethink that. If you know what kind of man this is then just as the winds and the sea, I hope that you too obey Him. I hope that you trust Him and that your faith is strong.

My friend, there is no doubt we are in the end times. There is only one place we can go for salvation, protection, and eternal life and that is Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), no man comes to God without first going through Jesus. We are not worthy to look at God the father because of our sin, but Jesus intercedes for us. He can cleanse us of our sin.

Know that God has the power to make all things good again, but also know that we must come to Him. We must live by 2 Chronicles 7:14 which tells us that if we call His name, humble ourselves and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways that God will hear from heaven, forgive us our sins and heal our land. Isn’t it time you called out to God today? No matter what storm you are facing in your life, you don’t have to face it alone. You can be protected by the God who created you to be in fellowship with Him. You can trust in Him to keep you safe.

It took me a while to understand what kind of man this is and I will be honest in saying that my finite mind still can’t comprehend his vast power and greatness. But one thing I do know is that He’s got this. So whatever comes my way I trust in Him and I know He’s the kind of man that can handle whatever problem I face. He wants to do the same for you, won’t you trust in Him today?

Have a great day!