Built To Last

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.   James 2:2-4 HCSB

Some things are built to last while some things are not. I’ve been in my home for 20 years now. In the last five years, things have started to need replacing. We replaced a central air unit a couple years ago. I’m happy to say that the new one is much more energy efficient.

We have also had to replace our refrigerator about four years ago. We have not been as pleased with the new model, it costs more but seemed to be made much cheaper and doesn’t look like it’s going to last all those years like the old one did. The same thing happened with our washing machine. We replaced our old washing machine, which was probably 12-15 years old, about five years ago. After two years, we had to replace the motor on it. Two years after that it broke and the repairman said the part would cost more than a new washer. When I complained that it was only four years old, the repairman said that most washers are only made to last 3-5 years now.

Some brands of cars seem to last forever, while some barely last four or five years. I don’t know about you, but I don’t appreciate paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for something to find that it wasn’t built to last very long. If I invest money in something, I want it to last.

What if God looked at us that way, what would He see? Would He see someone that was relying on His strength and His power? Would He see someone that was constantly renewing their strength by leaning on Him, trusting in Him, studying His word and praying continually? He sent His one and only Son to earth to die a horrible death on a cross to save us from our sins. If He looked at us today, do you think He feels as though His investment is paying off?

I don’t know about you, but there was a long period in my life where I honestly was not worth the investment. I wasn’t made to last because I was trying to live my life on my own. I was trying to fix what was broken in my life. Oh, it was way above my pay grade, but I didn’t have sense enough to see it. You see, the devil is a good liar and he kept telling me that if this person would change and that person would change that my problems would be solved. But God told me the truth. He told me that I needed to change. He broke me down to nothing so that He could rebuild me from the ground up.

He did this so that I could be a solid structure and could withstand the storms of life. He gave me eternal life. I can not only survive the storms that I face here on planet earth, but I can have the kind of endurance that stands the test of time. I can have the kind of endurance that produces a mature Christian. I can strive towards the perfection that is one day promised to me. I can be complete and lacking in nothing. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells me that if I am in Christ, I am a new creation. I am one that is built to last. When I am called up to meet my maker, I can stand before Him complete and lacking nothing.

Are you built to last? Has God broken you down and rebuilt you so that you can endure the trials that come your way? In Romans 5:3-4 Paul tells us that we can rejoice in our afflictions because they produce endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. So, I ask you today do you have endurance, proven character and hope?

If God breaks us down, He will fully restore us. When we accept Him when become new creations in Christ. We are built to last. But, if the world breaks us down and we try to fix it on our own, we may never recover. Today, ask yourself, “Am I built to last?” Do you feel strong enough to weather any storm that comes your way? Do you know where your help comes from? Psalm 121:2 says, My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.

If you are struggling out there on your own, let God help you. He can rebuild you so that you are built to last.

Have a great day!