Waiting While He Works

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him. It is good to wait quietly for deliverance from the LORD.

Lamentations 3:25-26

No one likes to wait, but there are times when we have no choice. When I bring my car in for an oil change, I wait. I don’t walk into the shop and start trying to change the oil, I wait while the mechanic does that. When a loved one is having surgery, we can’t go into the operating room and assist in the surgery, we have to wait while the doctors do that. We all have to wait at times, but I honestly don’t know of anyone who likes to wait. And If we are fixers, then we really don’t like to wait, because we want to fix it ourselves.

If something is broken, our natural inclination is to fix it. My sister can fix just about anything, she is definitely multi-talented. After working years in corrections, I like to fix errant behavior. In counseling, our hope is that the client will find a way to fix any problems that they have in their lives. So, it’s what we do, we fix and mend.

But several years ago, we came across a situation that we could not fix. We had to give it over to God. Now we both noticed that when we gave it over to God, we would see Him working. But, when we became impatient and started trying to fix it on our own, it’s as though God would dump it back in our lap to see what we could do with it. He let us know that we could give it to Him completely or we could take it. He refused to play tug of war with us. We finally decided to let go and let God have it and then we simply had to wait while He worked. There were times when we received information and God made it clear as to what we were to do with said information.

So, here we are again. We have a situation that we can do nothing about. Now we could do some things that are not so Christian like and that go against God’s commands, but we know better than that. So, once again, we turn this matter over to God and we wait.

Having been down this road before, however, we have learned a few things. We have learned that there are things that we can do while we wait. We know that our society uses social media, video games, all kinds of things that are on our phones to occupy their time while they wait for something. Well, God gives us things to use as well. We can serve Him. Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who wait upon the LORD (some versions say trust in the LORD) will renew their strength, they will soar like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. We can serve the LORD through helping others while we wait for the LORD to work our issues out for us.

We all hate to wait, but there are just some things that are well worth waiting. I have learned that anything God gives us is worth the wait, because God gives us good things (James 1:17). When you are scheming and plotting and wondering how you will fix your current dilemma, be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). Know that He will work all things out for your good if you love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He’s got good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11).  Whatever we can do, He can do better. And when it seems impossible for us, it’s not a problem for Him.

Trust in Him today. Know that He will work this out. He’s got your back. Our job is to focus on Him. When we seek Him with our whole heart and focus on Him, He will take care of all that we need and He will do it better than we ever could. So, relax, God’s got this!

Have a great day!