No Way

“Because of your little faith,” He told them. “For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting.”

If you read the Bible, there are many stories in which you might read them and think, “No way could that happen.”  It seems unfathomable that a man would build an ark in an area where they had never seen rain but only a misting of water. It seems unreal that a young boy would be sold into slavery only to end up running the country. Who would believe that a young boy would use a sling shot to kill a giant? How could a young man survive a night in a Lion’s Den unharmed? How could three young men walk around in a fiery furnace and not be burned or even smell like smoke?

Now let’s be honest, if someone walked up to you today and told you that they slay a giant with a stone or that they spent the night at the zoo in the lion’s den and was unharmed or that they walked around in a fiery furnace unharmed without soot on their clothes or smelling like smoke, your response would likely be, “No way!”

But, I ask you, do you believe the Bible when it tells you these things happened? Do you believe that a virgin gave birth to a baby boy who died 33 years later, taking on the sin of the world? Do you believe that He rose three days later and after spending some time on earth ascended into heaven? Do you believe that He prepared a place for you and me to spend eternity?

In order to be saved, we must believe. Our faith is critical to us as Christians. In our scripture passage today, Jesus was away and His disciples tried to drive a demon out of a young man, but were unable to do so. Jesus was disgusted with them and said in verse 17, “You unbelieving and rebellious generation! How long will I be with you? How long must I put up with you?”  

Pretty harsh words, but think about it, these men had been with Jesus. They had lived with Him and travelled with Him. They had seen Him turn water into wine and feed over 5,000 people with a lunch big enough only for a young boy. They had seen Him drive demons out of people, heal the sick, make the lame to walk, and raise His friend from the dead. Yet, they still did not have enough faith to perform this task.

In our scripture passage, Jesus tells us that this faith can only come from praying and fasting. As we pray we draw nearer to God. Fasting is denying our self of something. It may mean denying yourself of laying on the sofa all day Sunday watching movies and getting up and attending church services. So, I ask you today are you praying for something without the faith to believe that God can or will really do it for you? Are you praying for it, but thinking, “There is no Way God will do this for me or give this to me”?

We must never forget that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) and all things are possible for Him (Matthew 19:26).  We must remember that without God’s power and strength there is nothing we can do, but with His power and strength, there is nothing we can’t do.

Have a great day!