How To Have A Great Day!

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:33-34  HCSB

I awakened this morning out of a dream. This dream was something that I would not want to come true. It gave the devil a perfect opportunity to cause me to wonder and my wonder led to worry. Let me stop right here and say that I am not one that has prophetic dreams. I have had one dream that I truly believe God led me to have and this was a warning. I heeded His warning and had no problems. But sometimes I have these dreams that cause me to worry and wonder if they are true or might come true. Now I can sit here and say that this is silly, right? It’s only a dream. But the devil will tell me that I better watch out. The devil will convince me that I need to worry.

Several years ago when we were going through a difficult time, my sister found t-shirts for us that said “God’s Got This!” It had become my mantra as we were going through some trying times. Beneath the wording, it simply said, Matthew 6:33-34, our scripture passage for today.

This morning as I was trying to study my Sunday School lesson, I realized that I was distracted. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I lacked concentration. Now I am a morning person and the best time for me to do these things is in the morning, so being distracted this early is unusual for me. I stopped and I prayed and God brought James 4:7 to mind, “Therefore, submit to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” I realized then that if I was going to get through this day honoring God, I had to first submit to Him. I had to clear my mind of any distractions brought on by the devil. I had to resist the devil and any temptations that would come my way. Right then and there, I prayed to God to strengthen me against the devil’s tactics. I prayed for God to remind me to suit up in the armor that He provides for us that is mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18.

I often end my blog by saying, “Have a great day” or “Have a great weekend”. That’s easy to say, but in order to truly do that, we must focus on God. We must trust in Him and trust that He will provide all that we need. We must trust that He stands ready, willing, and perfectly capable of fighting our battles for us. We must trust in the fact that He loves us more than we can comprehend (John 3:16) and that He wants good things for us (Jeremiah 29:11). We must trust that He not only wants us to have life, but to have an abundant life (John 10:10).

I ask you to pray for me today that I will not be distracted by the devil. I also ask you to consider the day you are having. Are you focused on God? Are you trusting in Him? Or is the devil trying to distract you? Is the devil trying to take your focus off of God? Perhaps he is tempting you to do something that you know is wrong? Maybe he is trying to destroy your witness by goading you into saying or doing something that will cause others to think that you are not a Christian. Whatever the case may be, know that all you have to do is focus on God. He will take care of everything else. Just submit to Him and resist the devil and the devil will flee. He knows he can’t beat God. When you surrender to God and resist the devil, the devil knows he doesn’t stand a chance.

If you want to have a great day, then focus on God, seek Him wholeheartedly, trust in Him. Surrender to Him and allow Him to fight your battles.

I pray that you have a great day!