Listen to Good Advice

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”  Matthew 10:16 ESV

Yesterday, our Sunday School lesson was on how we should respond to politics. Right now, it is easy to be angry with any number of politicians, but we must remember a couple of things. First of all, they did not create this virus. Yes, even for those of you that think this virus is nothing but a political conspiracy, please understand that this virus is real and can be dangerous for some. Secondly, we must not blindly follow any politician, but we should honor God in all that we do, even when we are disgusted with our politicians. With all that being said, now, more than ever, is a time for us to be living out 2 Chronicles 7:14 which tells us that if we, His people, will humble ourselves and pray and seek His face, and turn from our evil ways, then He promises that He will hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land.  My friend, we have never needed healing for our land more than we do today. I am not just talking about this pandemic, I am talking about spiritual healing. I’m talking about nationwide, worldwide revival.

I am told that our governor has called for three days of fasting and prayer. While you may not be a fan of our governor, I am asking you to remember that when we fast and pray we are bringing honor to God, not our governor. Fasting and prayer are used together for the simple fact that fasting requires that we give up something that takes time or attention away that we could be giving to God. Perhaps it’s social media, or television, or video games. It doesn’t have to be food. Find something that occupies your time during the day and use that time to converse with God and strengthen your relationship with Him. So shame on us if we need a political official to remind us to fast and pray. We should have already been doing this, but I will admit that I have not been fasting, have you?

We were not put on this earth to please man, but to please God. I know many will be headstrong and refuse to fast and pray because they don’t want to follow a politician, but my friend, follow God. Don’t let the devil talk you into not doing this because you don’t like the politician that recommends it. Turn to God. Humble yourself and seek Him. Sometimes we have to give up some things that stand in our way of being in close relationship with Him. Maybe you could give up your pride for three days. In the book of Esther when the edict was issued that all the Jews be killed, Esther called for fasting and prayer. In the book of 2 Chronicles in chapter 20 when the vast army came before Jehoshaphat, we are told in verse 3 that Jehoshaphat was afraid and resolved to seek the LORD. He proclaimed a fast for all of Judah who gathered to seek the LORD. Then in verse 5 Jehoshaphat prayed to God. These are just two examples of where God brought victory to His people that were facing impossible odds.

My friend if you are a Christian in this messed up world, then you probably feel like that sheep in the midst of wolves. But if you remain as wise as the serpent and as innocent as a dove, you will see that God will work it all out for you. He will fight your battles (2 Chronicles 20:15). He will work all things out for your good (Romans 8:28). God’s got this.

When was the last time that you gave something up for God?  I am asking you today to give up some food or some distraction to honor God. I am asking you to humble yourself and seek Him and pray to Him. I am asking you to pray for our politicians that they will turn to God and have God given wisdom. I am asking you to turn from any evil ways that you may have and to beg God to heal our land. Not because a politician recommends it, but because it’s what the Bible tells us to do.

You can’t change the world, but you can change you. Ask yourself today are you being truly wise? If you are using God given wisdom, then you want to be innocent. You want to be found innocent in God’s eyes. Don’t let your dislike for a person get in the way of you doing what God calls for us to do through His word. Isn’t it time that we turn to God?

Have a great day!