A Good Hiding Spot

Whoever conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.

Proverbs 28:13 HCSB

As children when we play Hide and Seek, finding a good hiding spot is crucial. We like to find a spot where we can go undetected. As we grow older, we may like to find places where we can hide and get away from it all. We also like to find good hiding spots for our valuables and anything else that we don’t want others get their hands on. We also like to keep our sins hidden and tucked away. But our scripture passage today tells us that the one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.

First of all, it is ridiculous to think that we can hide our sin away. God knows all about our sins. He is not surprised by them. But He still wants us to confess our sins to Him. In dealing with addiction it is often said that the first step is admitting that their is a problem. The first step to dealing with our sin is admitting that it is a sin. We have to stop rationalizing or trying to justify why we sin. We must then confess it to God and ask for His help in letting go of this sin. No matter what you are dealing with, if you are trying to do it on your own strength, well that’s just crazy. God is willing and very capable of helping us deal with whatever sin may be tempting and taunting us. A dear friend gave up smoking with the power of prayer. She said that she bought the electronic cigarettes, but never needed them. She said that each time the craving hit, she prayed and God delivered her from the craving.

I am often amused by our beagles. They are both given treats at the same time and both will find what they think are really good hiding places for them. We have found treats in our dirty clothes basket, underneath the comforter on the bed, stuffed away in corners and in sofa cushions. Each tries to hide theirs from the other, but they both have those beagle noses that will sniff them out every time.

When you sin, know that God knows. He knows all about it. He knows what your triggers are. He knows where you try to hide your sin. He wants to help. He is standing right there with mercy and grace and strength to help you overcome your sin.

No matter how good you think your hiding spot may be, God sees it. He knows all about it. Turn to Him today. Trust in Him. Don’t try to hide your sin, confess your sin to Him. He is faithful to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Have a great day!