Equal Opportunity

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.   Romans 3:23 HCSB

We are all sinners, that’s the bad news. The good news is that we each have equal opportunity to be set free from the bondage of our sin. We can be rescued. We have a Savior.

When it comes to being a sinner, we have no choice. Unfortunately, we are born that way. When it comes to living in sin, that is a choice we make.

We choose whether or not we keep our vehicles and our homes clean, right? Or maybe I should say, that for a healthy person we make the choice to keep our homes and our vehicles clean. I realize that some people have health issues that may prevent them from doing some of the housekeeping that they would otherwise like to get done. But let’s say that you are perfectly healthy and you can afford cleaning supplies. If you live in a house that is dusty with dishes stacked to the sink and dirty clothes and trash everywhere, that is your choice. If you decide to clean your house and do your best to keep it clean, that too, is your choice.

Well, it’s the same way with our lives. How we live our lives is our choice. You can live in the bondage of sin or you can accept Christ as your Savior and clean up your act.

I know people that can live in filth and it doesn’t bother them one little bit, but I can assure you that living in sin will bother you. Oh it might be fun for a while, but before you know it you will sink like you are in quicksand my friend. How do I know? I have been there. I have been to the bottom of the pit. I have started sinning and found it to be great fun only for it to lead me down the dark path of disaster.

Today, take a moment to think about it. Are you doing or saying things that are displeasing to God? If so, you have the opportunity to overcome that. He would love to help you with that. All you have to do is ask.

Now maybe you are like I once was and you think that your sin is not the problem, everyone else is the problem. When I was drowning in my sin, I was thinking that if this person would change their ways and that person would change their ways that I would be just fine. That’s just a lie that the devil tells us because he wants us to keep on sinning. Don’t believe it. The only way we can climb up out of that pit is by seeking God and crying out to Him. When we do this, He extends His righteous hand to us and pulls us up and out of there. Just as we all have the opportunity to sin, we all have the opportunity to be saved from our sin, but it’s a choice we must make.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, turn to God, trust in Him, give it all over to Him. It’s a decision you will never regret, my friend.

Have a great day!