Is It Me?

Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.  Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.  Philippians 2:3-4 HCSB

I’m ashamed to admit this, but sometimes I’m self-centered and conceited.  There are times when I realize that I have been a little too wrapped up in myself. This directly contradicts our scripture passage for today.  There are times when I get so wrapped up in my problems and the whole “poor little me” thing that I neglect to be there for others who are in need.  Now let me say that I try to fight against this.  I try to be sensitive and I try to put others needs ahead of my own, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

I have had an occasion in the past to have a friend that becomes distant and the first thing I think is, “What did I do?”.  I start wracking my little pea brain wondering how I might have offended the person.  Now, right here is where I should say, “Hey is everything okay? You seem a little distant.”, right?  I should ask them if they are upset with me or if something else is going on, but I usually don’t.  I usually take it personally and assume that it is all about me.  I just assume that I did or said something that upset them.  Again, this is where it would be a good time to step in and ask what I did, but no, instead I usually just go on about my business. Now, sadly, on more than one occasion I have done so only to have this person come to me much later and tell me that they have been dealing with some terrible issue that has nothing to do with me. They have to reach out to me before I find that they have been distant because they were struggling with some issue that didn’t involve me at all.  It’s really not all about me.  Sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact.

We are told to do nothing out of rivalry or conceit.  Whatever we do, our motives should be pure.  We should do things out of love for others.  Not because we want to one-up someone or because we are looking for that pat on the back.  If we humble ourselves and consider others to be more important than we are, we will put their needs first.  There is no greater example of this than Jesus Christ (John 15:13).  Do you think that he wanted to be stripped, beaten, tortured, humiliated and hung on a cross? No, the bible clearly tells us that he prayed to God to remove this cup from Him, but that He would do God’s will (Luke 22:42).  Jesus put our needs above His own.  He considered our needs more important than His needs. He humbled himself by coming down from heaven and living as a poor man on this earth, then going to the cross to die for our sins. Remember he had no sin, this was all for us.  He died on that cross to be sure that sinners like you and me would have the opportunity to spend eternity in glory with God the Father. Aren’t you glad He did?  Aren’t you glad that Jesus put our needs ahead of His own?

We all like to be liked.  So, when you see an old friend and they are not their usual, jovial self, don’t internalize this to be all about you.  Take the time to ask them if there is something going on.  Let them know that you are there for them.  We live in a world where so many people are hurting.  As Christians, we should reach out to them and show them God’s love.

As a little extra incentive, let me tell you that this will do wonders for you.  I have found that two things happen when I help others.  First, I realize that the problems I thought I had were small in comparison, usually.  Secondly, when we are busy helping others and doing God’s work, God takes care of our business.  It gets our mind off our problems which God is working out for our good (Romans 8:28).  You can’t beat that.

If you have recently been offended because a friend is not as friendly as they used to be, I encourage you to reach out to them with God’s love.  Take a minute to realize that it might not be you.  And, if you have unknowingly offended someone be willing to talk it out with them. Be willing to ask for their forgiveness and be willing to forgive them if they should offend you.  Do your best to show them God’s mercy and love.  After all, where we be without God’s forgiveness and love?

Have a great day!