Wisdom in, Knowledge Out

For wisdom will enter your mind, and knowledge will delight your heart.  Discretion will watch over you and understanding will guard you, rescuing you from the way of evil-from the one who says perverse things, from those who abandon the right paths to walk in ways of darkness, from those who enjoy doing evil and celebrate perversion, whose paths are crooked, and whose ways are devious.  Proverbs 2:10-13 HCSB

When we look around our world today, we can see that the devil is working overtime.  There is evil and perversion everywhere.  If you are trapped in this deadly cycle, rescue is possible.  Our scripture passage today tells us that discretion and understanding will watch over you and guard you.  The verses prior to our scripture passage tell us that the Lord will guard those who walk with integrity. Psalm 84 speaks of the joy and blessings we experience when we live with integrity.  Proverbs talks a great deal about the importance of wisdom and knowledge.  What enters our mind through our eyes and ears goes into our hearts and comes out through our mouths.  If you want knowledge to come out, wisdom needs to enter in.

If we allow evil and perversion in, then we will abandon right paths to walk in darkness.  We will want to associate with others who celebrate perversion and whose ways are evil or devious.  It’s that whole “birds of a feather” theory at work.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a people watcher.  I like to observe others and learn about them.  I have made some interesting observations over the years.  One thing that I have seen is people who consider themselves to be wise, but they do some stupid things.  I have also observed some very wise people who tend to be humble and of few words, but when they speak, wisdom and knowledge spill out.

I have also watched people suffer.  Now I have personally experienced suffering when I was in close fellowship with God and I have experienced suffering when I had placed God on the back burner in my life. I can assure that the suffering we go through with God by our side is much easier. Just over the last several days, I have heard some disturbing stories about how people who seem to be wise and even some that are in respected professions are doing some really crazy things.  One is even a member of a local church who attends regularly, but let his anger get the best of him.

We live in a crazy world. We will either go through as wise Christians or as not so wise people winging it and doing the best we can on our own.  I’ve been watching some people go through it on their own and I tell you, my friend, it’s not pretty. We must realize that what goes in is directly related to what will come out.  You will never fill a glass with a soft drink and hope to get pure water out of it right? Well, the same holds true for our minds. If you fill that mind with garbage, then garbage will spill out.

I ask you today to take a good hard look at what is going into your eyes, your ears, and your heart. Is it fit for a Christian to see and hear? Would you say it or show it to your pastor?

Another thing to consider is this, are you eating healthy like lean meats and vegetables and exercising regularly, well good for you. But if you are allowing junk in to rot your soul aren’t you defeating your efforts? The Bible tells us that we should not worry about what can kill the body, but fear what can kill the soul. In Matthew 10:28, Jesus says this, “Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

It’s time for a check-up from the neck up as my pastor likes to say.  What is going in and what is coming out.  If you are wise, then you are indulging in God’s Holy Word through bible reading and bible study. You are praying to God for wisdom and discernment and for strength to avoid any speech or activity that is not fit for a Christian.  If you are experiencing issues with this, know that God will help you.

If you have one ounce of wisdom in that brain of yours and you believe the Bible, then you must remember this, Romans 11-12 tells us this, For it is written:  As I live says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God.  So, then each of us will give account of himself to God. 

There will come a day when we will give account for the words we have spoken that would have been better left unsaid and the things we looked at that we should have stayed away from. You can’t take in garbage and not have a negative impact. But you can take in wisdom and be knowledgeable. The choice is yours.

Have a great day!