Your Safe Place

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.  Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with its turmoil.  Selah.  There is a river-its streams delight the city of God, the holy dwelling place of the Most High.  God is within her; she will not be toppled.  God will help her when the morning dawns.  Psalm 46:1-4 HCSB

As a child, did you have a safe place?  That place where when things were dark and scary you could go and hide away from any danger that you thought might be lurking.  My safe place used to be my parent’s home.  Even after I moved out, if things got hairy, I ran home to my parents.  Sounds like I was a big baby at times doesn’t it?  I don’t care, it was my safe place.  I remember the first time I moved away from home.  I only moved next door.  I was about a tenth of a mile from my parents.  I worked 4 til midnight.  I came home one night and parked in front of the house.  I saw what looked like the beam from a flashlight flick on and off in the back yard just as I was getting out of my car.  Well, let me tell you, I just got right back in my car and went to my parent’s house where I spent the rest of the night.  In the daylight, I went back to my house.  Couldn’t see where anything had been disturbed and felt safe there.  Then there was the time that a big rat got into the house.  I was awakened by this huge rat in my bedroom at 3am.  As soon as I was sure that I could gather the things I would need for the next day and get out without crossing paths with this rat, I got out of there.  I drove over to my parent’s house and informed my dad that I would stay there until this rat was dead.  I also got my first cat to assure that my rat problem would be a thing of the past.   Years later when I discovered that my husband of four years had been having an affair and I was devastated I went home to my parents.  I can remember sitting in my dads lap and crying like a baby even though I was 25 years old.  But I had made it to my safe place.

My dad passed away in 2013 and a couple years later my mom was diagnosed with dementia.  I have had to become her safe place.  I leaned heavily on our pastor until he passed away two years ago.  When he died, I will admit that I was a bit panic stricken.  But I remembered what the Bible tells me,  God is my safe place. I was also blessed that one of my former pastor’s best friends became our pastor.  I know that God watches over me and I know that He will never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6).  Psalm 91 tells me that if I choose to make my dwelling place with God that He will protect me.  He will be my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.

Some people build storm shelters when they live in areas where tornadoes are common.  Women often go to shelters to escape an abusive husband.  There are many places of safety.  But the one thing about any refuge is that you have to choose to go there.  Now in the case of the flashlight, the rat, and the cheating husband, I could have called my dad and he would have been there as fast as he could get there.  But I made a choice to go to him. I made a choice to seek refuge in his and my mom’s love and their home.  I made a choice to let them walk me through some scary and/or painful times.

We must do the same with God.  My parents did not know what I was going through until I told them.  Now God knows what we are going through, but He is not going to force us to turn to Him.  That is our choice, our decision.  I hope all is going well with you now, but know this, at some point you are going to go through some scary times.  You are going to experience pain and heartache.  Do you have a plan?  Do you have a storm shelter?  If not, turn to God.  He waits for us with open arms.  He is willing to help us in our times of trouble.  He is there when we cry out.

But I beg of you today, don’t wait.  Don’t make God your 911 call.  Don’t wait until your life is literally going to “hell in a hand basket” before you turn to God.  Give it all over to Him today, the good, the bad and the ugly.  He wants to help you with all of it.  I am sad to say that it took me many years to really wrap my head around this, but once I did I can’t even describe the peace and joy that it has brought to my life.

I am enjoying living safe and secure in my safe place.  My safe place is also my happy place.  Won’t you turn to the One who can provide you with a safe and happy place.  You will never regret that decision, my friend.

Have a great day!